The Future of Copywriting: Embracing AI While Keeping the Human Element

Denise Wakeman
5 min readJan 1, 2024

Exploring the Intersection of Artificial Intelligence and Humanized Copywriting

In a world where technology constantly evolves, artificial intelligence (AI) has increasingly found its way into various aspects of our lives. One area where AI has begun to make a significant impact is in copywriting.

The use of AI as a creative partner for generating sales letters, promotional emails, and other direct-response marketing content offers both opportunities and challenges.

In this article, we explore the insights shared by Andy O’Bryan and Joe Vitale during an interview on using AI in copywriting, discussing both its potential and hurdles.

The Power of AI in Copywriting

AI has the potential to reshape the copywriting process, bringing efficiency and new possibilities to the table. In this interview, Andy O’Bryan, a seasoned copywriter, emphasizes the importance of incorporating AI into the copywriting process in the right way.

From generating compelling headlines to crafting persuasive calls to action, AI promises to streamline and enhance the creative process.

Challenges and Ethical Considerations

Despite AI's promise, inherent challenges and ethical considerations are associated with its use in copywriting. Andy and Joe touch upon these, noting the temptation to rely solely on AI for content creation. Many content creators and marketers have already given in to this temptation, and it’s beginning to show.

The potential risk lies in the trade-off between efficiency and authenticity. The discussion highlights the need to preserve the human touch in copywriting while embracing AI's benefits.

Humanizing AI-Generated Content

One of the key themes in this enlightening conversation is the concept of actually humanizing AI-generated content. Andy O’Bryan’s emphasis on infusing empathy and authenticity into copywriting for coaches, speakers, and authors underscores the importance of maintaining a human connection in the midst of technological advancements.

To stand out in today’s marketplace, the human touch in AI-generated content is vital, and this can be achieved through the writer’s ability to draw on personal life experiences in tandem with their own unique writing style, which must be injected elegantly and seamlessly into the AI-generated content.

Importance of Feedback

Both Andy and Joe stress the significance of feedback in the copywriting process. Seeking input from the target audience and refining AI-generated content based on real-life interactions and responses is crucial. Effective copywriting goes beyond mere words; it’s about connecting with the audience and eliciting an emotional response. Incorporating feedback loops via input from colleagues, clients, social media, and other third parties can lead to content that resonates with the intended audience, making the AI-driven copywriting process stand out in a crowded marketplace.

Timeless Copywriting Principles

Andy reiterates the timeless importance of high-quality, compelling, and persuasive direct-response copywriting in the conversation. While AI provides new tools and capabilities, the enduring principles of compelling copy remain unchanged.

This includes (but is not limited to) the crafting of impactful headlines, addressing pain points, weaving in benefits, and incorporating testimonials — these are the core elements that continue to drive sales pages, emails, and ads that generate results. AI should serve as a powerful ally in amplifying these principles rather than overshadowing them.

Balancing Automation and Personalization

The conversation also delves into the delicate balance between automation and personalization in AI-driven copywriting. While AI can expedite the content creation process, it requires manual refinement to add personal nuances.

Joe Vitale’s experience with using AI prompts reflects the need for personalized refinement in the output. Striking the right balance between automated generation and human touch is key to harnessing the full potential of AI in copywriting.

As AI continues to integrate into various industries, its role in copywriting stands out as both transformational and challenging. The insights and experiences shared by Andy O’Bryan and Joe Vitale shed light on the evolution of copywriting in the age of AI. While the challenges and ethical considerations are real, the potential of AI in copywriting is undeniable.

As we navigate this intersection of technology and creativity, the human element remains paramount, shaping the future of authentic, engaging copy.

To sum up, it’s all about being able to embrace AI as a partner in the delicate copywriting process while preserving human connection, incorporating feedback, and honoring timeless copywriting principles. Striking a balance between automation and personalization is key to unleashing the power of AI in this brave new world of direct-response copywriting.

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Andy O’Bryan

Copywriter, CoFounder, AI Success Club, and Creator of AI To Human Copywriting System

Andy O’Bryan has dedicated two decades to crafting direct response copy for impactful entrepreneurs like coaches, speakers, and authors. He specializes in ethical sales copy that resonates emotionally and tells a compelling story tailored to each client’s unique voice and mission.

In January 2023, he co-founded the AI Success Club with Denise Wakeman, teaching members to harness AI to achieve their copy and content objectives.

And now, with the just-launched AI-to-Human Copywriting System, Andy is breaking new ground, revealing how to blend AI efficiency with the depth of human emotion and leading the charge into the future of copywriting.

This article was created by getting a transcript from the video using CastMagic (aff) and next directing the tool to draft a blog post from the transcript. Then, Andy reviewed and did quite a bit of human editing. The blog header image was created by ChatGPT-4 and DALL-E based on the content of the article and lots of refining by Denise.

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This article was originally published on



Denise Wakeman

CoFounder, AI Success Club: Say Hello to Smarter, Faster, More Effective Content Creation!