Entrepreneur Life | Self-Care

Morning Routine

How you start your day makes a difference to how your day goes

Denise Wakeman


Do you have a morning routine?⁠

For the last few months, I’ve been practicing and adding to my morning routine. It’s more intentional than I’ve ever practiced and I’m loving how I feel with this 15–20 min sensory experience.⁠

Here’s how my morning routine goes.

After getting up and getting dressed…⁠

Feed Louis since he’s following me around and meowing loudly until he gets his breakfast⁠.

Louis Catorze

Pour water into the coffee pot⁠

While the beans are grinding, ⁠

I do about 15 counter push-ups (I want to keep my arms strong)⁠

Pour the sweet-smelling fresh ground beans into the basket and push the Start button⁠

Walk into my “office” and pick up the blue (20lb) resistance band do 3 sets of arm exercises: kickbacks for triceps, bicep curls, and upright row for my shoulders⁠

Move to my desk, sit comfortably in my chair and do a short 5–7 minute guided meditation on my Simple Habit app, usually with Cory Muscara because I love his calm voice⁠

Next, grab a cup of freshly brewed hot coffee. Smell the strong delicious aroma and walk outside onto my small balcony⁠

I take off my glasses⁠

Holding the warm mug in both hands, I take my first sip of strong, black coffee and whisper a few words of gratitude to those who make it possible for me to drink this tasty beverage⁠

I live in a dense urban neighborhood of Los Angeles. There are apartment buildings all around me. ⁠

And, I look around and see squirrels scampering up and down the big, old trees, the Palms, and the power lines. I hear the birds calling to one another.⁠

I look up and stare at the sky⁠

A few days ago, a beautiful cloudscape greeted me and I felt peaceful and ready to start my day. ⁠

Why is this important?

As a business owner, you’ve got a lot to think about and a lot do to. Giving yourself a few minutes in the morning for self-care can set you up for a day of flow and making things happen…the way you want them to happen.

Spending a few minutes in gratitude for the little things — like coffee — and getting even 5 minutes of sunlight and fresh air before your day goes into overdrive can set you up for clear thinking and calmer responses when things go off the rails.⁠

I used to get up, start a pot of coffee, walk to my desk, turn on my computer and start working.

Before I knew it, 3 or 4 hours had passed and I was hungry, grumpy and my body was stiff.

My new morning routine which has evolved “tiny habit” at a time leaves me feeling joyful and energized and ready to jump into whatever the day has in store for me. I like it better than my previous routine.

Do you have a morning routine that energizes you for the day? If so, I’d love to hear about it. Post it in the comments! 🥰⁠



Denise Wakeman

CoFounder, AI Success Club: Say Hello to Smarter, Faster, More Effective Content Creation! https://denisewakeman.com/aisc